Along with your root canal or crown procedure, our Phoenix, Arizona may recommend a post and core. Not sure what that means? Let’s find out.
Why You Need A Post and Core
During your root canal procedure, our Phoenix dentist removes the nerve tissue from the inside of your infected tooth. In addition to this, he takes out old filling material or any decay that is present.
After doing so, there typically isn’t a lot of healthy tooth structure left, meaning that your tooth is vulnerable to breaking. Therefore, Dr. Behnahani may recommend a post and core as an additional step to help stabilize your tooth and provide the weak tooth with the extra support that it needs.
A post is a small rod that is inserted into one of the tooth’s roots. A core is a filling that builds the foundation of the tooth back up.
Steps of The Post and Core Procedure
During your root canal treatment, the dentist will have your tooth opened up and the tops of the roots exposed, making it an opportune time to do a post and core.
If your tooth has more than one root, Dr. B will choose which is the best one to place the post in. Using a file, he’ll remove some of the sealant material from the inside of the root. Then he’ll determine how far into the tooth he wants to insert the post. Usually, ⅔ the length of the root is enough to provide enough reinforcement. The next step is to make room for the post using special instruments that go down the root. Afterward, a cement is inserted into the root, followed by the post. Finally, we’ll use a special light to harden the cement and hold the post in place.
Once the post is inserted, we can continue on to the buildup. Dr. B will clean up any decay that the tooth has and make sure that only healthy tooth structure is left. To begin the placement of the core buildup we’ll etch the tooth, place a bonding glue, and then insert the resin filling material. Again, we’ll use the same light to harden the material.
As a final safety measure, once the tooth is properly built up, we usually have a custom dental crown made to fit over the tooth. Once it’s cemented on, the crown will cover the entire tooth, including the post and buildup material.
After taking all of these steps to properly restore your tooth, it’ll be capable of biting into and breaking down everything that a natural tooth can. In other words, you can eat with it like normal!
Post and Core in Phoenix, Arizona
Don’t settle for a Phoenix root canal dentist that’s willing to cut corners and not do what’s best for your smile. At Central Valley Dentistry, we strive to provide every patient with the best possible dental care possible. If you’re looking for a great dentist in Phoenix, Arizona look no farther than Dr. Behbahani and his professional staff. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today. We look forward to meeting you.