EMERGENCY: What You Should Do |
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AbscessAn abscess is a serious infection that can sometimes appear as a pimple-like swollen area on your gums, causing pain. If left untreated, this infection can spread throughout your entire body. |
Broken JawIf you suspect a broken jaw, do not move it. Secure the jaw with a towel, necktie, or scarf to the top of the head. To reduce pain and swelling, apply a cold compress and go to the nearest emergency room. |
Chipped / Broken ToothRinse any saved pieces with warm salt water. If there is bleeding from the tooth, hold moist gauze to the area with constant, gentle pressure and call immediately. Take a pain reliever as needed. |
*if bleeding |
Knocked-Out ToothEXTREMELY TIME SENSITIVE. Hold the tooth by the crown and rinse if dirty. Do not scrub or remove any attached tissue. If possible, return it to the socket and hold in place with gauze. If not, put the tooth in a container with milk or salt water. Do not let the tooth dry out. The highest rate of success in restoring the tooth is within 30 minutes. |
Bleeding GumsBleeding gums are a sign of infection along your gum line. This infection can cause tooth and bone loss, as well as affect your overall health. If your gums bleed when brushing or flossing your teeth, call us for an appointment. |
Broken Braces WireIf the broken wire is poking your cheek, tooth, or gum, cover the end of the wire with orthodontic wax or a small cotton ball until it can be repaired and put back into place. |
Crown DislodgedIf possible, apply over-the-counter dental cement or denture adhesive to the inside of the crown and slip it back over the tooth. Never use super glue on a crown. If no adhesive is available, keep the crown in a safe place and bring it to your appointment. Do not place the crown back in the mouth. |
Cut Lip Or TongueThoroughly rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Using moist gauze, apply pressure to the bleeding area for 15-20 minutes. To relieve pain and control swelling, hold a cold compress to the outside of your mouth. If bleeding does not stop, go to the nearest emergency room. |
Lost FillingRinse any saved pieces with warm salt water. If there is bleeding from the tooth, hold moist gauze to the area with constant, gentle pressure and call immediately. Take a pain reliever as needed. |
ToothacheUse dental floss to remove any food lodged between teeth. If swollen, apply a cold compress to the outside of the mouth or cheek. Take a pain reliever until you can see us. |