Dental Implants
When you have missing teeth, an alternative solution to dentures is dental implants. Unlike dentures that are removable, dental implants provide permanent new teeth to restore your mouth’s function and appearance. Dental implants tend to offer a successful and lasting solution to the loss of some or all of your teeth. At Central Valley Dentistry, placing implants is one of the restorative dental treatments we offer to our Phoenix, AZ patients.
All On 4 Denture Implants
Are you one of the many people in the Phoenix area that is suffering from problems with your dentures? Dentures have been around for a very long time but they are no longer what we would consider state of the art. They are uncomfortable, you have to constantly buy denture glue, food gets stuck in them, and they don’t give you the beautiful smile that you deserve.
Central Valley Dentistry can help you obtain and give you your smile back with the help of the revolutionary All on 4 Dental Implant procedure. Dr. Behbahani can help you say goodbye to dentures in a one day with these alternatives. With the “All On Fours” you can get rid of your loose fitting and old dentures for a more permanent solution.
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Implant Restoration
At Central Valley Dentistry, we provide implant restoration services when they’re necessary. Our staff knows the signs of implant problems, and we are committed to checking them each time we see you. During visits after having implants put in, we assess your gums, bone density and any part that’s connected to the implant. These checks are in an effort to keep you healthy and catch any problems with the implants.