Dental Bonding vs. Porcelain Veneers

When you’re considering a cosmetic dental procedure, it’s important to thoroughly understand what to expect from each type of treatment, including its possibilities and limitations. Dental bonding and porcelain veneers are two of the most popular aesthetically enhancing treatments available in Phoenix, Arizona.  While they have their similarities, these cosmetic treatments are also different in a few ways.

Dental Bonding in Phoenix

A dental bonding treatment uses the same composite resin material that’s used for tooth-colored fillings. But rather than filling in spaces from cavities that we clean out, we add the material in such a way that it builds up and improves the appearance of the tooth.

If you have minor imperfections, then dental bonding might be the right solution for you.  This treatment option can repair issues such as small teeth, chips, crooked teeth, gaps, and stains.

Dental bonding is also a great solution if you’re on a tight budget and in a time crunch.  The cost will be about one-third of the cost of porcelain veneers, and the results are instant.

Some of the disadvantages of dental bonding are that there’s a limited number of shades to choose from to match your teeth. While we do have a wide selection, it can be hard to blend in with your natural shade when larger surfaces are involved. Also, the composite can stain over time, chip or completely pop off. The only way to fix these issues is to have the bonding replaced.

Phoenix Porcelain Veneers

Getting porcelain veneers is the most sought after cosmetic dental treatment because it can provide flawless results. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that we cement to the front of your natural teeth—they are designed in such a way that they can mask imperfections long term. Since these restorations are custom made, the possibilities for size, shape, and color are endless.

Getting veneers is a multi-step process. First, our Phoenix cosmetic dentist will reduce the thickness of your teeth to make room for the veneers to fit. We typically send off a request for your veneers to be made by a lab – a step that takes a couple of weeks to complete.  In the meantime, you’ll wear a set of temporary veneers to get you by.

Porcelain veneers are capable of correcting issues that bonding can’t—they’re also stronger, more natural-looking, don’t stain, and of course, more of an investment.

Cosmetic Dentist in Phoenix, Arizona

Dr. Babak Behbahani, of Central Valley Dentistry in Phoenix, Arizona is here to help you achieve your cosmetic dental goals.  We would love to see you for a consultation to examine your teeth, listen to your concerns, determine your goals, and start working on a plan to get you the confident smile you’ve always wanted.

To find out more about dental bonding and porcelain veneers give us a call today.  We look forward to meeting you!

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