After Invisalign: Your Vivera Retainer
At times, staying committed to your orthodontic goals can be quite the challenge. Yet, you made it through. Congratulations, after countless months of doing what you were told, you finally got the smile that you always dreamed of!
The last thing you want is for your teeth to go back to the way they were, or shift even worse. That’s why it’s so important to have a maintenance protocol set. Without one, your teeth are liable to move, causing you to relapse and potentially require you to go through orthodontic treatment all over again.
How To Prevent Orthodontic Relapse
Once your teeth are in their optimal position, our Phoenix Invisalign patients will keep their new smile straight with the help of a Vivera retainer. This appliance looks much like the Invisalign aligners themselves. They’re clear, plastic trays that securely hold your teeth in proper alignment.
Why Vivera Retainers?
While there are other methods of retention, we prefer to use Vivera Retainers for several reasons:
- They’re comfortable, easy to wear, and not bulky.
- Vivera retainers are removable, unlike some permanent methods, which gives you the freedom to only wear it when you need to.
- Cleaning the retainer itself is super easy, and since you can take it out, brushing and flossing your teeth is as easy as ever.
- This type of retainer is clear, so if you do have to wear it in public, most people won’t know you have it.
- Compared to similar retainers, the material used for Vivera appliances is 30% stronger than the standard.
- The fit is more accurate than standard plastic retainers, meaning there is less room for tooth movement.
- When manufactured, they’re made in sets of four, meaning you always have a backup readily available in case you ever need one.
- Invisalign keeps a digital record of your smile so when you need more retainers, having them made is easy. There’s no need to return to our office for another scan of your teeth.
- Vivera retainers can potentially readjust teeth that have shifted up to .25mm. Meaning, if for some reason you temporarily go without your maintenance protocol, you Vivera appliance can help you go back into alignment.
- Orthodontic treatment changes the bone and ligaments. Vivera retainers can help support the new structure.
When to Wear Your Vivera Retainers
Immediately following Invisalign treatment, you may be instructed to wear your Vivera retainers all the time. After a while, you’ll be able to transition and only wearing them while you sleep. Further down the road, it may only be necessary for to wear them a few nights a week in order to maintain your straight smile.
Orthodontic Retainers in Phoenix
We’re with you all the way. Just because you’ve completed your Invisalign treatment doesn’t mean we’ve abandoned your smile afterards. The staff of Central Valley Dentistry is always here to help you with your dental and orthodontic needs. So if you need a new retainer, then come see our Phoenix dentist!